
The List (aka “Top 5”) is a Wharton Beach Week tradition where you have the chance to see if that Learning Team Member/Group Project Partner/Cohort Mate/Platonic Best Friend/Person Way Out of Your League/Person your Best Friend kissed during Pre-Term and called Dibs on for Eternity etc. that you longingly pine after has some reciprocal interest in you. The List aims to build relationships between those who may not have had an opportunity to do so during two Walnut Walks, two White Parties, two Halloweens, two Wharton 54s and countless nights at the Penthouse. Thoughtful consideration should be made as to which five individuals in the second year class you would like to get to know better during your Beach Week adventure.

After much debate - and by debate I mean YouTube videos, surveys, editorials in the Journal, drunken rants to us at Rosie's, emails marked "High Importance" - we have decided to keep the tradition and will return your matches as a NUMBER out of UP TO FIVE people from your list who in turn have placed you on their Top 5 list – tit for tat if you will (pun not intended). Top 5 is a simple tool with enormous potential. Just remember Beach Week is short so be sure to leverage the Top 5 tool as you build your "network" for the future.